Auto Attendant
All calls answered instantly. Always.
Callers will never hear “Thank you for calling. Can you hold please?” during busy times. Callers will never get a busy signal. Never.
Never worry about operator overload
During busy times switchboard operators (or regular staff if you don’t have an operator) can become overloaded answering and routing calls. An automated attendant (done right) gets the caller to the right LIVE person more quickly and easily.
All callers greeted consistently
All callers should be greeted courteously and professionally. However, sometimes things get hectic and some callers may get the impression that they have called at a bad time when the person who answers the phone seems rushed. This is eliminated with an Automated Attendant.
Calls are routed to the proper personnel
Whether you have two or two hundred employees, getting callers to the right person is what an Automated Attendant is all about. Automated Attendant systems (done right) are embraced by callers. Only Automated Attendants done poorly aggravate and even infuriate callers. Remember Automated Attendants are designed to make communications better for callers, not as a way to hide from callers.
Can provide automated information
Many companies get lots of calls asking simple questions such as: "What is your fax number? Do you have a web site? What is your address?" While you certainly can have these calls handled by a live person, many companies find that callers are quite happy to get this information from the automated attendant, thus allowing the caller to get the information quickly and easily, even when all company personnel are tied up with other callers.
Call Screening
A feature to be used with caution, but when used properly can be a great asset to your time management. Callers are asked to state their name, you are then informed who is on the line, you can then either take the call or send it to voice mail. It’s that simple.
Integrated Voice Mail
An Automated Attendant integrated with an effective Voice Mail system is a great combination to allow you to handle customers live whenever possible while having an alternative for those times when there simply isn’t an available person to take a call. See the Voice Mail section for more details on our advanced Voice Mail solution.
Caller ID
With all calls and voicemails, Caller ID is logged so you always know who is calling or left you a message.